

Module PK: Project

Throughout the course of the program, students shall work on an admitted project (basis: project specification, project criteria, project work) in their companies or organizations (project sponsor), which is supervised by certified project coaches. 

PK1: Transfer Papers (TA)

Transfer paper (TA) is an evidence of the students’ ability to specifically transfer and utilize the knowledge obtained in a course attended in their projects or companies. The TA shall be prepared after the course and shall be presented in coordination with the responsible lecturer. The assessment of the TA is carried out by the responsible lecturer and further by a SHB examiner. It complements to the final grade.

PK2: Transfer Documentation Reports (TDR)

The TDR are important elements of the project and transfer-oriented Project Competence Program at the SUB. They are a unique, didactic concept developed in the Steinbeis network which supports students in acquiring knowledge and specific application. These TDR help students orientate themselves in the basic knowledge in the preparation and follow-up of the contact-time and transfer phases and apply the acquired knowledge by transfer to the business/project practice. In doing so, students can flexibly determine their individual competence development pace.

PK3: Project Study Paper (PSA)

In the Project Study Paper (PSA), students transfer and utilize the methods and knowledge acquired within the scope of the programs. PSA has to have at least 20 pages in writing and it is submitted by a student as a rule. The PSA is presented and defended by the student in front of examiners.

PK4: Project Work (PA)

During studies, a student works on a project (project work, PA) in his/her company or organization (project client). This work is a basis for master’s thesis which the student has to submit at the end of the study program.

PK5: Thesis

The thesis is a practice-oriented, scientifically prepared document which reflects the knowledge and skills a student has acquired throughout the study program and applied to a project relevant for student’s occupational environment. The thesis shall prove the student’s ability to solve the specific problem in his/her company in an autonomous and methodical manner. As a rule, the project is defined and specified together with the student, the project client and the coach of the SHB upon the start of the study program (project specification).